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Essay Winners


Grades 1-3
Topic: Ruby Bridges, the first black
child to attend an all white school in
New Orleans, LA, 1960.
First Place
Ryker Cook
Cornerstone Elementary
Grade 3, Mrs. Rubino
Second Place
Aayu Goudar
Kean Elementary
Grade 3, Mrs. Ratliff
Third Place
Liberty Lambert
Parkview Elementary
Grade 3, Miss Rutt
Grades 4-6
Topic: Linda Brown and the 1954
“Brown v. Board of Education” U.S.
Supreme Court ruling desegregating
First Place
Lucas Pindell
Edgewood Middle School
Grade 6, Mrs. Fenton
Second Place
Nadiya Erb
Orrville Middle School
Grade 5, Mrs. Booker
Third Place
Lauren Kubb
Parkview Elementary
Grade 4, Mrs. Cornelius
Grades 7-9
Topic: The 1954 “Brown v. Board of
Education” U.S. Supreme Court decision
and the role of Thurgood Marshall.
First Place
Maximilian Seifried
St. Mary School
Grade 7, Laura Marvin
Second Place
Karter Wayt
Orrville Middle School
Grade 8, Mrs. Schelcher
Third Place
Kai Marullo
St. Mary School
Grade 7, Mrs. Marvin
Grades 10-12
Topic: The 1954 “Brown v. Board of
Education” U.S. Supreme Court decision
and the slow pace of integration.
First Place
Rhys Florence-Smith
Wooster High School
Grade 11, Mr. Klein
Second Place
Kaleb Wayt
Orrville High School
Grade 11, Dr. Dziczkowski
Third Place
Olivia Brown
Waynedale High School
Grade 11, Dr. Dziczkowski
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